Charlie Duong

CS + Math @ Brown

Charlie Duong

Hey, my name is Charlie Duong (he, él, li, 他, etc.) and I'm a software engineer and researcher from Annandale, Virginia (a small town in the DC suburbs with amazing Vietnamese and Korean food). I am a math and CS major at Brown University.

I'm interested in AI/ML, full stack development, probability & statistics, and pure mathematics. In the past, I've explored web3, BCIs, and competitive programming. In the future, I'm looking to learn more about databses, cryptography, distributed systems, and theoretical CS.

On the side, I lift weights, swim, play the piano, stack colorful blocks, run a virtual village, go to concerts and raves, explore cities and meet new people.

I'm currently working on Cloud GPUs @ Tensordock, ML research @ Brown advised by the wonderful Stephen Bach, TAing a machine learning class, and writing on my blog.

In the past, I built a neurotechnology BCI headset called Nujjet that won some pretty cool competitions, conducted ML Research @ Virginia Tech advised by the amazing Chang-Tien Lu where I published a paper on hate speech detection in IEEE Big Data, and did some competitive programming.

I love meeting new people so feel free to reach out to me via email or add me on any of the following platforms (I wish I had a more original username):

  • Email:
  • Twitter: CDuong04
  • Instagram: charlie_duong_
  • LinkedIn: cduong
  • GitHub: CDuong04
  • Discord: charlie.duong
  • Spotify